First- You must have a cbox account of your own. If you dont have, get a cbox now and register HERE
Second-after you get registered, go to option-->posting option-->and mark (allow avatar) to enable the postings of avatar in your cbox. .
Third- After that, go to publish-->to get your cbox code.
Note:You dont need to get all of its contents. You just have to copy the most important part of that code which contains your box id and the box tag value like this: Ex:"
Fourth-Copy paste the value of your boxid and boxtag to the code available here at the bottom of this tutorial.
My sample default value:
Note:Just find and replace my default value with your code value like this:
This code serves as your message frame where your messages appears everytime you make a post. Copy this
And this one serves as your form frame where you can input your name, message, picking of avatar and postings. Copy also this
Lastly:After you edit/replace the code value of this sample cbox you can now copy and paste the whole script into your body tag of your wap page..
You can add, edit and delete avatar by just finding this line of code and edit it yourself or make an additional of this code. Sample: <option value="url of the picture you want to use">Avatar name</option>
Its your choice also if you want the form frame to appear first at the top before the message frame.
You can use your own avatar in other cbox account owner.. Yah! Its true! Heres how..
Its just simple, just replace your boxid and boxtag value with their boxid and boxtag value and your done! If you dont know what their boxid and boxtag value you can view it using SOURCEVIEWER Now your done!!! You can now post in their cbox account with your own avatar picker..